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We build websites

by Sasha Vinčić Aug 06, 2011 09:50 PM
We build multilingual, safe portals based on Plone. No design is too complex, and no demands are impossible.

Europeiska miljöagenturens på svenska

Your Plone supplier

We build multilingual, safe portals based on Plone. No design is too complex, and no demands are impossible. The impossible just takes a little more time.

  • Long experience
  • Fast, high-quality delivery
  • Long-term client relationships

Ask for a quotation now!

Call Sasha Vinčić at 0708 840 660 or by e-mail.


Jeeves Information Systems AB

Jeeves 2010

"In May 2010 we launched a new website which we've worked with intensively since the turn of the year. The new website has simple management of press releases, more multimedia as well as a powerful and easy-to-use system for multilingual management for the local partner sites. During the whole development process we cooperated closely with Valentine Web Systems who showed strong commitment and they've been very helpful. Sasha and Per at Valentine are very knowledgeable and creative, and they will not give up until they find the best solution. They know how to combine their technical know-how with a good understanding of their customer's needs.

Thanks for a great job!"
Cecilia Kullberg
Jeeves Information Systems

Plone – safe content management

Plone broschyr

Plone is one of the biggest CMS's that comes with many functions straight from installation. Plone is suited for everything from medium-sized to large websites and portals, both extranet and intranet. It is well prepared to handle several languages and many users. Plone doesn't use a SQL and has proved to be the safest CMS time and time again. Download the brochure about Plone.