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Why Valentine Web Systems

by Sasha Vinčić Jul 29, 2011 01:41 PM
Why choose Valentine Web Systems as a co-working partner? What makes Valentine Web Systems so special? The fact is that the market is filled to the limit with companies and operators with the very same purpose and offers that Valentine Web Systems has. The important question that need to be answered is, as follows: Why Valentine Web Systems? Well, the answer is that we build web based solutions for internet like many others but the big difference is that we always put security and freedom in the first room.
Why Valentine Web Systems

Highest level of security

In other words: We can always guarantee the highest level of security and full freedom due to the simple reason that we use the open source-tools Plone and Zope. Both Plone and Zope has the best security history of them all. The outcome of that is that you are able to make all the developments and changes you'd like to do, your information will still be there for you even if you'd decide to move it somewhere else.

We secure that your web presence follow you in your progress. We know how to manage a multi lingual web site. We also know how to build a web based solution and how to maintain it to be there for you continuously and even extend it if needed. We take use of Cloud Computing and all the power and benefits that it brings. Security and freedom are the key words for us.

Reliable partner

How about that? A short sum up on why you shall go on and hire Valentine Web Systems as your most reliable and experienced co-working partner. Please contact us for further information on how we can be of any help for you.

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